This fun taco dish is both healthy and delicious. It will be a hit with the entire family! Serve with your favorite taco fillings, such as sour cream,...
A yummy twist to an old favorite. The fry bread makes the difference. It's a popular request at my house. I do up everything but the fry bread in advance,...
This has been a family favorite ever since our life got crazy chasing kids around. Quick and easy to make, kids love it, and there is no cleanup. The meat...
I found this grilled Baja fish taco recipe and made a few changes to it per my liking. Wife and 5-year old son love it. I hope you do too. Serve with lime...
These shrimp tacos are flavorful, easy, and quick. You can use any spice or topping combinations you have on hand. The choice of toppings and spices are...
Unlike most fish taco recipes, the slaw in this recipe is air-fried instead of raw creating a caramelized version which leaves the fish to be the crispy...
I came up with this recipe because I love fish tacos and couldn't find any where I live that weren't overly breaded and kind of soggy. We love the crispiness...
A traditional Indian fry bread topped with a chili-style meat and bean mixture and taco-type toppings like shredded Cheddar cheese, chopped lettuce, and...
We used to get these at county fairs in Oklahoma when I was growing up! So good! A delicious chili mixture served on top of out-of-this-world fried bread...
I am a newlywed and made these tacos after I had something similar at a restaurant in town. My husband loved them and thinks I am a brilliant chef and...
I took different elements from different recipes for Baja fish tacos, and tweaked them to my taste, hoping they would work together. They are great together!...
My mom's beef tacos get a makeover with ground turkey. These are much healthier, easier, and faster because there is no grease to contend with and I think...
This is a simple and fantastic quick dinner recipe for grilled fish tacos. Adapted from an Epicurious recipe, this dish is less spicy, but has tons of...
I first created this recipe for my and my husband's wedding anniversary. He loves fish tacos and he couldn't stop raving about these tacos! Serve on warm...
After making steak tacos a ton of different ways from a ton of different recipes, I think I found my favorite. Very flavorful meat and great salsa. No...
This is a quick and simple recipe for delicious tacos made with ground beef and pork sausage, which gives the traditional recipe a nice twist. Although...
This is a tuna taco recipe I created 25 years ago. It is easy, quick, and very tasty. When served with crackers it makes a really good light snack or appetizer....
This is my own recipe that I developed after trying several other recipes. These tilapia fish tacos are quick, easy, and delicious. My family loves them!...
These grilled chicken tacos are full of fresh flavor! I love this recipe because it can be easily modified for the number of guests/family members you...
I had never made fish tacos before, but with my 30 years of professional food experience I was pretty confident in the outcome. This is a delicious recipe...
Everyone loves steak and potatoes and everyone loves tacos! Here is a winning combo of two favorites. This recipe is also a great use for leftover baked...
A slow cooker allows the chicken to get so tender, it just shreds apart while soaking up the delicious marinade. These are a perfect combination of sweet,...
If you've never had a fish taco, they're a fabulous introduction to the cuisine of Baja California. They're also fairly healthy, so feel free to eat more...
This recipe is one that I have been making for many years, and my family loves it. Bannock is a fried flatbread that is great with anything, try different...
These grilled tacos combine two of our favorite foods, fish and Tex-Mex. They remind us of living on the Texas Gulf Coast. Now that we live in Colorado...
Chicken baked in a citrus marinade is placed in a soft flour tortilla and topped with shredded cabbage, cilantro, guacamole, green onion, and salsa. Everyone...
Tuna tacos sounds funny, but these are delicious. I threw these together for dinner one night and now they're our favorite! If desired, serve with sour...